Saturday, October 31, 2015

HSFP video tutorial on VUGen Recording Options part II – hsfp Load Testing with LoadRunner Tutorial #2

VUGen Recording Options part II

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Vugen Recording Options Part II Tutorial Summary

This tutorial covers the remaining Recording options. In part-1 we have seen Script and Protocol. The other options are:

Recording – Selection of mode or http/html level can be done from this. We discussed in detail URL and HTMl mode of web (HTTP/HTML) protocol, which gives good understanding and idea about the major difference between them.

Port Mapping– This provides option for Port Mapping.

Advanced Settings– This covers few advanced settings related to script generation or script execution. We discussed each option available in detail.

Correlation– This is related to Automated Correlation. Correlation rules are created and enabled from this. In short, we discussed the fields available for the users on this dialog.

Code Generation– This enhance the data format capabilities of web protocol.

The part I and II tutorials explain all important fields on different dialog boxes related to recording options and protocol selection which user should know before using LoadRunner. This will make you ready for recording a script with all the required information for VuGen configuration.

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